How much water can I save switching to Synthetic Turf?

Synthetic turf conserves around 40-42 gallons of water per square feet per year through the elimination of water used by household irrigation systems.

One of the most effective way to reduce your water waste and lower your water bill is replacing your water thirsty natural lawn with Synthetic Turf

Yes!  We are talking about Water, “our most precious natural resource” but unfortunately is also the one that is most wasted.

Other water preserving benefits of the Turf

While conserving water is of the utmost importance, preserving the groundwater is also a high priority. Groundwater contamination is a directly caused by pollution, which is another problem that Synthetic Turf can help to solve. Synthetic Turf eliminates the need for gas-powered mowers, trimmers and aerators, meaning our overall dependence on oil is reduced as are gas and oil spills. In addition, Synthetic Turf doesn’t require fertilizers or toxic anti-weed chemicals, which often seep into the water supply due to run-off from irrigation systems.

If conserving water is important to you, then Synthetic Turf is the perfect choice. Contact us today to learn more about Turf Installation Services at Evergreen Tech Landscaping.

Synthetic Turf is highly durable. It can withstand wear and tear, is weather-proof, does not dry out, does not get waterlogged, and will not fall victim to pest infestations. It is way more robust than real grass. Our Synthetic Turf can be recycled at the end of its life so that it can be repurposed into other products